*Tiup habuk*
Saturday, May 21, 2016, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Its been a long day since the last update which is abt 2 years ago. 2015 was the most challenging years after 2014 incident. Everything changed slowly including myself. I don't know how, why and who turn me like this but one thing that i know that there's someone who i could die for. I can't afford to lose that person (should i call that person as "X"?) X always there for me when i have something that i couldn't handle. We started to get close when everyone is leaving. I admit i use to abandon you before but not now. I would do anything in order to make you happy. I know my fault left you without anywords even only for a few days. I know i never show how i feel but i really care abt you. When people talk bad abt you i get mad so easily. Its bcs people never listen from your side. People blame you and everytime they blame you i will be the one who listen to it. They don't tell you but they tell me. Why they have to blame you even for someone else mistake? Everyone make mistake but why they make like you are the only one who make mistake. I can't accept it until one moment i want to run away bcs i can't listen to them anymore. I hate it so much. 

I promise not to leave you until the moment you leave me. I won't break my promise bcs i know when someone break the promises that they make, its seriously damn hurt. Close your ears for anyone else bcs they don't know you as much as i do. They are just jealous with what you have. One day, both of us is going to leave each other but not now.

PT3 Damn!
Monday, December 22, 2014, ϟ 0 shout(s)

     So hari ni all 99's batch ambik result pt3 and dengar cerita just 84 persons dapat straights A. Balik rumah scroll twitter tengok macam macam tweet ada and ya most of all semua menyakitkan hati. Yang dapat straights A ofc la nak update kan. Yang seniors from "U" and other school sibuk complain pt3 je "pun". Did you guys know how it feel to be the "lab rats" of our goverment? No you don't. Form 5 dapat soalan KBAT pun kecoh satu dunia ni kitorang mangsa "lab rats" yang mendapat result yang "cemerlang" nak lepas geram la juga. Tau tak apa perasaan bila tengok muka parents korang bila tengok result teruk? Kalau tau fikir kalau tak tau try bayangkan. 

     Yang dah masuk "U" asyik dengan "pt3 je dik" "pt3 je pun". Yes we know only pt3 but you don't feel it. Almost all of those question is KBAT. Memang la boleh fikir but as you know if benda tu logik bagi kau but not for pentaksir then dah satu salah. Kalau 10 soalan macam tu 10 dah salah. We get the "real" format less than 3 months and what did you guys expect from us? Dah la gred dia pi naikkan lagi. Markah based on all of those question. There's no 50 marks x 2 then you get 100%. There's no okay. For you guys soalan kitorang "maybe" tak susah macam soalan "U"  and soalan spm but i am pretty sure korang pernah rasa struggle susah time korang PMR dulu and ofc time SPM and exam dekat "U". Yes tak ada benda dekat dunia ni yang senang but as students you guys should understand each other feelings and don't judge us. This pt3 totally ruin our life. It's good for you guys gets your result without knowing the marks but not us. We know our own marks and KPM naikkan gred mengalahkan gred sekolah. It's totally ruin us.

Nightmare or a Clue?
Saturday, December 6, 2014, ϟ 0 shout(s)

    After a few months tak update cause busy with exam so ya now is the right time!

    Last night, aku mimpi about someone yang aku dah lama tak tegur. Before this we are friend but something happen and we become a stranger again! Dalam mimpi tu we met dekat somewhere yang aku sendiri tak sure kat mana. At first we just ignore each other like tak pernah kenal pun then aku duduk belakang dia. I just keep staring at her and suddenly aku hold tangan dia. Dia pusing pandang aku dengan muka confuse dia and both of us senyap. Then aku start the conversation, aku cakap yang aku nak minta maaf ((tak sure pasal apa but benda tu macam takde kaitan dengan apa yang jadi in real life)) and aku terangkan dekat dia macam macam. But benda yang paling pelik time tengah explain tu suddenly both of us menangis ((pelik bagi aku cause im not the type of person yang senang menangis bak kata kawan kawan aku hati batu)).

    After that kitorang kawan balik and friendship kitorang lain. Aku dengan dia rapat gila gila sampai aku pun tak tau la macam mana nak cakap. Kitorang selalu call, ws (whatsapp), skype and hangout sama sama. Even pergi holiday sama sama ((kalau tak silap pergi pd)). Semua benda yang dalam mimpi tu aku tak pernah expect in real life cause jauh gila beza! Sehari aku asyik ingat dekat mimpi tu. Harap mimpi tu satu petunjuk yang baik and bukan nightmare.

Friday, March 21, 2014, ϟ 0 shout(s)

You know you hate this feeeling but you pretend like nothing happen
You know the main reason why you being like this but you pretend like you don't know
It's hurt for you but you still smiling
You need to be strong because you don't have any other choice

Tuesday, March 11, 2014, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Saying goodbye to the one that you love is the most hardest thing ever. It because you never know when will you meet them again. Spend your time with the love one before you regret everything.

Ketentuan Allah
Wednesday, March 5, 2014, ϟ 0 shout(s)

2 Mac 2014 perginya seorang lagi insan tercinta keluargaku. Semoga rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yang beriman. Al-Fatihah buat opah.

Friday, February 21, 2014, ϟ 0 shout(s)

You're beautiful the way you are
No matter what people say
Just be yourself
Because you might see
Who will always be there for you

new past